Apps we’ve made great

If you shop for deals, read the news, or go to meetups, you’ve probably used an app we built.

Meet with us

The Atlantic

We developed a brand new version of The Atlantic app using the latest technologies, using Swift 5 with iOS 13 APIs. The app is built with stack views, compositional layouts, diffable data sources and supports Dynamic Type, Dark Mode, and more. The latest release has a curated daily digest on the Today tab, a refreshed design, and a major focus on accessibility.

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Lickability consulted with the team at Citizen to improve their engineering process so they could deliver features to users faster. Along the way, we built major features like the emoji reaction palette, Magic Moments, and paid subscriptions.

Read the case study

Aloe Bud

Aloe Bud is a Kickstarter-funded self care app with millions of users. We helped to conceive, fundraise, design, and develop the app from scratch with founder Amber Discko.

Read the case study

From group chats to cultural commentary

We’ve worked on all kinds of apps—and we’d love to work on yours next 😉

Make your app shine ✨

Join happy clients like Jet, The Atlantic, and Meetup by telling us about your project.